Detecting default arguments in Ruby

When defining a method in Ruby, you can define default values for optional parameters. When calling the method, Ruby sets the default value to the local variable as if the user would have provided this argument. This automatism is really useful to support optional parameters with sensible defaults without having to think much about this. It even works exactly the same with the new keyword arguments introduced in Ruby 2.0.

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Speeding up Git at Planio

This is a story about how a significant increase in the number of Git repositories at Planio resulted in a noticeable service slowdown and how we were able to not only fix this but to provide a sustained speedup of the whole service.

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30 Minute Timeout

After sitting days after days behind my laptop without much change of environment at all and starting to get really tired I thought I might go out, face the cold, and grab a nose-full of fresh air, taking the camera for a walk.

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FrOSCon 2010: Redmine, und dann?

Am 21. August 2010 war mal wieder FrOSCon in St. Augustin (bei Bonn). Und ich war dabei, vor allem um einige Open Source Projekte näher kennen zu lernen, Leute zu treffen und vor allem, um dem Redmine-Vortrag von Felix Schäfer zu lauschen.

Aus Gründen war der Felix leider verhindert, sodass ich mich spontan bereit erklärt habe, den Vortrag zu übernehmen. Damit hatte ich meinen ersten Talk auf einer Konferenz. Und mit nur ca. 3 Stunden Vorbereitung war der dann sogar ganz okay.

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Cross-browser CSS gradient

Recently, I released a new version of the Redmine Checkout plugin. This release sports a nifty protocol selector with buttons styled entirely in CSS (as good as it gets). To be able to support as many browsers as possibly while not having to fall back to pixel graphics I had to apply some tricks which I want to describe here.

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